Water Quality Monitoring
Interested in water quality monitoring, but not quite sure why people do it, where to start, or who to look to for help? Take a look at the resources below for more information. If we missed something you're looking for or if you are interested in even more information, email cwa@coloradowater.org and we will be happy to assist you.

Topics covered on this page:
 - Why Monitor?
 - Monitoring Efforts Throughout Colorado
 - Data
 - Resources/Toolbox
 - Funding Opportunities

Why Monitor?

Colorado has a lot of water quality monitoring occurring throughout the state. Everyone from Federal, State, and local agencies, interested individuals, watershed groups, companies, and even schools monitor the rivers and streams in their watershed. Each group or individual that monitors their local rivers and streams has a different reason for doing so, and this generally tailors the type of monitoring they conduct and who they collaborate with to continue monitoring. Overall, monitoring can tell us how well a river is functioning and if it's healthy or at risk.

For more information from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on why groups and individuals monitor, click here. More information can also be found from River Watch Sampling Plan's section on monitoring and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's webpage on Colorado's waters.

Some examples of different monitoring efforts across the state are included below.
  • Measurable Results Program (MRP): In 2010, the Colorado Watershed Assembly partnered with the Water Quality Control Division (WQCD) Colorado Nonpoint Source Program (NPS) of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to implement the Measurable Results Program as a project of the NPS. This program was created specifically to conduct monitoring for restoration projects previously funded by the NPS, which works with the EPA to fund a number of watershed planning and restoration projects throughout the state. The MRP assists local watershed groups by documenting the effects of restoration efforts while helping to enhance the overall quality and quantity of stream restoration monitoring data. MRP has worked in 10 watersheds and worked with the Water Action Network to create a database which includes the documented findings for each project completed. To get in touch with the Measurable Results Program, contact Michael Blazewicz at michael@coloradowater.org.
  • Colorado River Watch Program: River Watch is a program of the Colorado Watershed Assembly and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. For over 20 years, River Watch has been working with volunteers across the state to monitor Colorado's waters. The program takes interested citizens, teachers, and students and provides them with the necessary equipment, supplies, and training to conduct EPA and State approved water quality monitoring protocols. The data these volunteers collect has been important in providing sound science to support the decision-making processes of the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission (CWQCC). Not only is the program important for water quality throughout the state, but River Watch also fosters environmental stewardship in all of its volunteers, including the hundreds of middle and high school students that take place each year. Want to learn more about the River Watch Program and find out how you can become a volunteer? Contact Michaela Taylor at michaela@coloradowatershed.org.
  • Local Watershed Groups: Contact your local watershed group for more information about what they are working on and how you might collaborate to get the information you both need. A list of watershed groups throughout the state with their contact information can be found here. If you would like to see a map of state and where the groups are geographically, visit our homepage, which includes a clickable map!


If you're interested in data on a certain segment of a river or stream, there are a few different places you can go to find what you're looking for.

  • Colorado Data Sharing Network: The Colorado Data Sharing Network, created by the Colorado Water Quality Monitoring Council, is a water quality data management system whose goal is to meet the needs of the Colorado NPS Grant program and local data providers.
  • STORET/WQX: STORET and WQX is the EPA's data warehouse for water quality, biological, and physical data and is used by state environmental agencies, EPA, and other federal agencies, universities, private citizens, and many others.
  • Water Quality Portal (WQP): The WQP is a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the EPA, and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NMQMC).
  • Colorado Parks and Wildlife: Colorado Parks and Wildlife houses data for the River Watch program as well as other sites that state employees collect data for.
  • MRP Project Database - This database includes information on the MRP projects to assist watershed groups and interested individuals on the documented results of the projects.
  • River Watch - Soon, the River Watch webpage will house monthly downloads of data collected and validated by the program. The data on the hundreds of sites that River Watch volunteers have collected samples from can also be found on the pages listed above.


Measurable Results Program Documents and Links:

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Documents and Links:
Nonpoint Source Program (NPS) Links:
  • NPS Website: This website includes very helpful information for those who are interested in beginning the process for starting a watershed plan.
  • Contact information
Watershed Planning Documents:
  • Coming soon! A handbook from the Colorado Watershed Assembly and the CDPHE for those interested in starting a watershed group and/or beginning work on a watershed plan.
River Watch Sample Plan: Other Documents and Links:
  • MyWaters Mapper: This interactive map displays snapshots of the EPA Office of Water program data.

Funding Opportunities