The Colorado Watershed Assembly does not take a stand on any water or watershed issue expressed in its newsletter. The Colorado Watershed Assembly advocates for consensus, cooperation, compromise, and collaboration between all stakeholders involved in watershed issues. Our information network is designed and intended to educate and engage citizen stakeholders in watershed issues across the state and not to advocate for a specific issue. If you would like the Colorado Watershed Assembly to distribute watershed news or an event, please send the information to
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March 12, 2015
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Blog Post
Be a Part of the CPW Strategic Planning Process!
Colorado Parks and Wildlife has begun their 2015 strategic planning process to help guide their efforts into the future. They are looking for input from their stakeholders - that includes you! There are a number of ways to provide your comments, and we have that information in our latest blog post. Check it out, provide your input to CPW, and let us know what you think!
Donate to the Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund on your CO State Income Tax Return!
It's that time of year again...yes, tax season. But, on the bright side, you can use this opportunity to personally make a difference for our beautiful watersheds. Make a donation to the Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund on line 43 of your 2014 Colorado Individual Tax Form 104, and you will be supporting locally-based conservation groups in their efforts to protect our land and water. To learn more about the Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund, visit the website.
Behavior, Energy, & Climate Change Conference Call for Abstracts
The Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference is an international conference focused on understanding human behavior and decision making so that this knowledge can accelerate the transition to an energy-efficient and low-carbon future. This year the conference will be in Sacramento, CA and the organizing committee is making a special effort to attract abstracts on water efficiency. Don't miss this opportunity. The deadline to submit an abstract is April 1. Click here for the details on presentations and posters.
Call for Proposals - Partners in Community Forestry Conference
The Partners in Community Forestry Conference serves as the annual, international gathering for urban forestry professionals and advocates seeking new collaboration models to strengthen their community forests. The 2015 conference will be held November 18-19 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel. The Call for Proposals will be open through March 31, 2015. Presentation opportunities include general session, concurrent/breakout session, panel discussion and "Lightning Round" options. (detailed information can be found within their proposal portal)
Water Quality Control Commission Hearing Notices
New Events
Mar 16-22: Fix a Leak Week
Nationwide, more than 1 trillion gallons of water leak from U.S. homes each year. That's why WaterSense reminds us all to check our plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems each year during Fix a Leak Week.Once again, WaterSense is teaming up with its partners to promote the seventh annual Fix a Leak Week. Take the Pledge today, and start planning your fixes, because every drop counts!
Apr 20-24: IWA's Efficient Conference
The International Water
Upcoming Events
Mar 12-13: 2015 Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute Conference
The 2015 RMLUI Conference will focus on the innovative ways Western people are building more resilient, equitable, and vital communities. This year’s theme addresses how we can meet the many challenges of the future—including threats posed by climate change, a modern economy, and demographic shifts—while better addressing issues of social and environmental justice. For more information and register, click here.
Mar 13: Climate Workshop
Join the Colorado Foundation for Water Education on Friday March 13 for our annual Climate and Colorado's Water Future workshop at the National Ice Core Laboratory in the Denver Federal Center. Please find the draft agenda and registration on CFWE's website. You'll tour the National Ice Core Laboratory, learn how climate data is extracted from polar regions, see how climate impacts water resources and the environment, hear about water supply planning in the face of future climate change, receive and discuss interactive teaching tools and much more.
Mar 15-18: AWWA Sustainable Water Management Conference
Presenting solutions for balancing the benefits of conservation with the costs, managing water resources, sustainable utilities and infrastructure, urban planning and design, energy efficiency, water conservation, stormwater and reuse. This four day event hosted by the American Water Works Association in Portland, Oregon features three Sunday pre-conference workshops, 26 technical sessions and one interactive poster session. Click here for further details.
Mar 16-18: Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts Conservation Excellence Conference
CCLT’s annual Conservation Excellence conference provides conservation professionals in Colorado and the Intermountain West region an opportunity to exchange ideas and best practices, network with colleagues, and learn from each other by attending valuable sessions. Registration is open. Learn more on their website.
Mar 17: Meet the Beetles
The San Juan National Forest is hosing an informational meeting entitled “Meet the Beetles.” They will discuss the biology of the spruce beetle and the current situation within the San Juan’s forests. The meeting will be on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 in the Vallecito Room in the Student Union Building at Fort Lewis College, Durango. Foresters and resource specialists will be available to meet informally starting at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be held from 6:00-8:00 PM. Please contact Cara Gildar with your questions by March 6 at 970-882-6854 or cngildar@
Mar 27-28: Advancing Environmental Education Conference
Join the Advancing EE Conference (Teaching Outside the Box) in Denver, CO, to explore, elevate and spark environmental education through a variety of session topics, inspiring speakers, and many opportunities for networking and discovering new ideas, tools and techniques. Click here for more conference information. Scholarships are available until January 19.
Apr 9: Eastern Colorado Community Forestry Conference
The Eastern Colorado Community Forestry Conference will take place at the Trinidad History Museum (312 East Main Street in Trinidad) from 9am to 3:30pm. The conference costs $15 and will cover such topics as: Management Impacts & Current Updates on Emerald Ash Borer, Invasive Removal Projects, Regional Tree Programs, Hands-On Pruning, and Tree Selection for SE Colorado and Drought Survivors. For more information and to register, click here.
Apr 9-10: 2015 Smart Water Leadership Summit
Registration is open for the 2015 Smart Water Leadership Summit that will be held at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada April 9-10, 2015. For those who can't attend, there is an option to participate via live streaming video. Click here for more information and to register.
Apr 10: Water Law in a Nutshell
The Middle Park Conservation District is planning to host another water law seminar on Water law in a Nutshell. Aaron Clay, Attorney of Law and former Water Referee for the Colorado Water Court, Division 4, will be the presenter. The seminar is an all day event from 8am to 5pm and includes discussions on appropriation, perfection, use,abandonment,and enforcement of various types of water rights and ditch rights. The seminar costs $50 and includes lunch. RSVP by March 27 to secure a spot. For more information,click here.
Apr 12-15: APWA North American Snow Conference
The American Public Works Association (APWA) invites you to join us in the heart of the North American Snowbelt for the 2015 North American Snow Conference in Grand Rapids, MI, April 12-15! The 2015 Snow Conference has it all – from expert-led snow and ice education sessions to an exhibit floor full of excited vendors who can’t wait to show you the latest winter maintenance solutions your community’s been looking for. For more information, click here.
Apr 22-24: APWA-CARMA Spring Street Conference
The American Public Works Association (APWA) Colorado West Slope Branch and the Colorado Association for Roadway MAintenance (CARMA) present the 2015 Spring Street Conference featuring Maintenance, Management, and Safety sessions, exhibitors, and heavy equipment activities.
Apr 25: CH2M HILL Spring RiverSweep
The CH2M HILL Spring RiverSweep presented by The Nature Conservancy is The Greenway Foundation's biannual riverside volunteer event. Gather your friends, family, group, or co-workers to help make our rivers cleaner, safer, and more beautiful. Volunteer groups help with numerous projects including trash removal, crusher-fine based trail construction, painting, graffiti removal, tree protection, willow harvesting or relocation and more. Find more information on their website.
Apr 28-30: International Workshop on Instream Flows
Hosted by the Instream Flow Council in Portland, OR this year, participants of the International Workshop on Instream Flows will learn strategies that integrate legal and policy elements with traditional and new scientific methods to successfully manage real and perceived uncertainty for a range of biological, institutional, hydrologic, and geographic settings. For more information,click here.
May 1-4: River Rally
River Rally is an annual national gathering of the watershed conservation community. It is a vibrant place to learn, grow your network, and imagine what is possible, whether you are just getting started or are a veteran river conservationist or water advocate. Whether you are a volunteer, executive director, board member, scientist, policy expert or program manager, you will find River Rally an amazing watering hole. And really, it’s just a lot of fun. Professional fun, of course. River Rally 2015 will focus on the following 5 themes: tribal opportunities and breakthroughs, water security and scarcity in a climate changed world, solutions and innovations to deliver clean water, novel collaborations to expand impact and get to scale, organizational development for river groups and watershed organizations. Learn more here.
May 7-8: 2015 Partners in the Outdoors Conference
The 2015 Partners in the Outdoors Conference will bring together an assembly of stakeholders in the future of Colorado's outdoors and recreational opportunities. Attendees at the conference are dedicated to fostering a strong conservation ethic throughout Colorado communities, creating a bond to ensure awareness and respect for natural resources and outdoor recreation. Together we invest in improving the quality of life for all Coloradans. For more information, click here.
Funding Opportunities List:
The Colorado Watershed Assembly has compiled a list of governmental and non-governmental funding sources for restoration projects and organizational capacity building. The list can be found on our website.
Captain Planet Foundation EcoTech Grants
Application Deadline: January 1 through April 30, 2015
EcoTech grants are back! Sixteen (16) $2500 grants will be awarded to schools or non-profits organizations for the purpose of engaging children in inquiry-based projects in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) that use innovation, biomimicry / nature-based design, or new uses for technology to address environmental problems in their communities. For more information, click here.
GOCO Riparian Restoration Grants
Application Deadline: March 17, 2015
To help improve and restore Colorado's rivers and streams, and engage youth and families in the effort, GOCO is offering $250,000 in grants to fund habitat improvement projects along the state's waterways. The 2015 Riparian Restoration Grant Program will require applicants to demonstrate they will use youth or volunteers in their projects, which may range from erosion mitigation to eradicating thirsty non-native plants and trees. For more information, click here.
Upcoming Deadlines
Colorado Forest Restoration Grant Program
Application Deadline: April 23, 2015
The Colorado Forest Restoration Grant Program helps fund projects that demonstrate a community-based approach to forest restoration. Proposals, which are due by April 23, must address protection of water supplies or related infrastructure, as well as the restoration of forested watersheds. For more information, click here.
Surdna Foundation Sustainable Environment Urban Water Management Grant
Application Deadline: Send in letter of inquiry
The Sustainable Environments Program supports innovative stormwater run-off practices that capture and slowly release water into existing drains, pipes and sewers, or reuse rain water where it falls (sometimes called “green infrastructure”) instead of building expensive pipes and sewer tunnels. For more information, click here.
New Trainings
Apr 29-30: Saving Water Through Behavior Changing Technologies Workshop
Argonne National Laboratory will be hosting an inaugural DOE sponsored workshop to explore emerging pathways towards Saving Water Through Behavior Changing Technologies. It will be held on the Argonne campus just outside of Chicago, IL. This workshop will bring together experts in water efficiency, behavioral sciences, design, engineering and other fields, along with commercial developers, and others who can significantly contribute to the design, development and dissemination of behavior-impacting technologies that reduce water consumption for buildings. Learn more and register here.
Upcoming Trainings
Various Dates: Wildlands Restoration Volunteers Training Courses
Become a leader and help usher more people into the stewardship movement! Many training opportunities are available - from Technical Advisor Orientation to Cook Training to Crew Leader Training and more. Find more information here.
Various Dates and Locations: State Revolving Funds Workshops
On January 1, 2015 Colorado's State Revolving Fund launched changes to the Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) and Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (WPCRF)programs. Colorado’s wastewater and drinking water systems will see significant new benefits from these changes. All updated forms can be found at this website. The program partners at the Water Quality Control Division, Department of Local Affairs, and Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority are conducting statewide workshops this spring. The workshops will cover program changes to the pre-application steps, engineering reports, self certification option for design submittals, and grant assistance. Project consultation will be available for interested entities following the presentation. To see the workshop dates and locations, click here.
Mar 14: Alpine Hydrology Course
Mountain Studies Institute, in partnership with Biological Sciences Initiative, ScienceLIVE, Learn More About Climate, and National Science Foundation are excited to offer teachers, informal educators, and interested partners a workshop opportunity to learn from expert scientist-educators on bringing the Colorado alpine into their classrooms. The workshop is planned to be held for a full day in Durango. Register here.
Mar 18: The Runoff Reduction Method and Its Applications
Reducing the volume of runoff has become an important stormwater management objective, as it is embedded in the philosophies of green infrastructure and low-impact development. The Center for Watershed Protection first worked with Virginia on the Runoff Reduction Method in 2008. Since that time, permutations of the method have been incorporated into stormwater standards in West Virginia, Washington D.C., Delaware, Coastal Georgia, South Carolina, New York, as well as several local stormwater manuals. This webcast will explain the method, describe the accounting of runoff reduction capabilities by various stormwater practices, and provide examples of compliance and site planning tools used in various states. Register for the webinar here. Cost: $159.
Event Coordinator, Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership
The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership is recruiting an Event Coordinator to assist with production of the 8TH Annual Ridgway River Festival (RiverFest). The event is a one-day, family-friendly community celebration of the Uncompahgre River and our natural resources and is scheduled for June 27, 2015 in Rollans Park, Ridgway, CO. The RiverFest program includes river races, live music, local food and drink, kids’ activities, watershed educational and cultural programs. The festival will be kicked-off with an evening program, Wild Water Films, on June 26, 2015 at Ridgway’s Sherbino Theatre. Position information can be found here.
Habitat Restoration Intern, Eagle River Watershed Council
The Habitat Restoration Intern provides both leadership and support to the restoration projects and volunteer events of the Eagle River Watershed Council. The position works with the Projects and Events Coordinator on volunteer coordination, invasive plant removal, restoration project implementation, event planning, data entry, and other key administrative duties as needed. For more information, click here.
Source Water Quality Program Coordinator, City of Boulder
Under general direction, develop, recommend, and implement source water protection program to achieve source water protection and drinking water public health protection goals. Coordinate with multiple departments and local and regional agencies to develop partnerships to implement water quality protection programs. Coordinate and manage source water quality improvement/protection projects, direct meetings, and oversee project budgets. Responsible for source water quality monitoring, analysis, and data interpretation and reporting to support water resources and treatment operations. Coordinate and conduct water quality evaluation, research and special studies. More information can be found here.
Community Relations & Communications Specialist, Larimer County Natural Resources
Manages and provides the strategic direction for the Department of Natural Resources marketing, public engagement, outreach and community relations programs as well as supervision of the volunteer and education programs. Performs professional and technical public outreach services related to the acquisitions and management of lands, water, and any other real property for parks, open space and trails projects. Serves as the media contact for the department, and represents the department as spokesperson where appropriate. Designs, develops, and initiates public relations, communication, and outreach for media and events. Full position description can be found here.
Watershed Coalition Coordinator, Lefthand Watershed Oversight Group
The Watershed Coalition Coordinator is a full-time, term appointment for a salaried position with competitive benefits on the staff of the Lefthand Watershed Oversight Group, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation headquartered in Longmont, Colorado. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a dynamic Board of Directors, diverse group of stakeholders, and watershed professionals with a combined vision of restoring and enhancing the Left Hand Creek watershed to a more resilient condition following the devastating flood of September, 2013. Click here for more information.
Watershed Coordinator, Big Thompson River Restoration Coalition
Stakeholder-driven river coalition seeking candidate to lead the renewal of one of Colorado’s most important watersheds. The coordinator will help support the creation and implementation of a watershed-wide master plan for flood-affected areas from the September 2013 flooding. Key goals for the project include fire/flood resiliency, improved ecological health, water quality, wildlife habitat and riparian stability. Deadline is 3/18/2015. More information can be found here.
Watershed Coordinator, Little Thompson Watershed Coalition
The Little Thompson River, in Colorado’s Front Range, seeks a Watershed Coordinator to direct multiple restoration projects after a devastating flood. Take a leadership role to acquire funding and implement projects to restore ecological health, flood/wildfire resiliency, water quality, wildlife habitat, riparian stability and farm production. Work with a dedicated team of stakeholders and staff to further our success in fundraising, grant writing, planning, cleanup, and rebuilding. Deadline: 3/18/2015. For more information, click here.
Stewardship Director, Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust
The Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust (RiGHT) seeks a Stewardship Director to help lead their land protection efforts and manage on-going stewardship responsibilities. RiGHT is a 16 year old non-profit organization whose mission is “Conserving Our Land, Water and Way of Life in Colorado’s San Luis Valley,” with a portfolio of 33 conservation easements. The Stewardship Director will be responsible for working with the RiGHT team to implement new conservation easements and steward existing conservation easements, as well as other duties as assigned. This is a full time, on-site position in Del Norte, Colorado. Apply by March 20 here.
Seasonal Project Manager - Mike O'Brein Fellow, Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado
This position will help provide invaluable assistance in planning and managing important stewardship projects around Colorado, focusing on projects that expand or enhance outdoor recreation access on public land and reflect Mike’s passion for mountain biking. This position will work within the program team and closely with other project managers to provide project management, logistical support, and volunteer leadership coordination on VOC volunteer projects administratively and in the field. This position also supports the VOC Operations center to provide logistical, tool, and crew chef support for all projects. For more information, click here.
Volunteer, Wildlands Restoration Volunteers
Check out all of the new volunteer opportunities that Wildlands Restoration Volunteers has up on theirwebsite! Coming up soon are the Chico Basin Restoration (March 28-29) and the Pawnee Riparian Enclosure Fence (April 4).
Volunteer, Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC)
There are several ways to volunteer with VOC, so check out their website for upcoming opportunities. Click here to get to their website.
Volunteer, Coalition for the Upper South Platte
The Coalition for the Upper South Platte (CUSP) works to protect the 2,600 sq mile watershed that reaches from the Continental Divide to Strontia Springs Reservoir, southwest of Denver. CUSP works with their partners to provide essential services such as project planning, implementation and monitoring within the watershed. CUSP hosts a number of volunteer opportunities in the watershed. To volunteer with CUSP, visit their volunteer portal.
The below Newsletters are new and updated this week.