Colorado Watershed Assembly Blog
Colorado Water Plan - The Basin Implementation Plans

Colorado Water Plan - The Basin Implementation Plans

Are you keeping up to date with the Colorado Water Plan? If you have not had a chance to check out the website, we suggest you start by taking a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (under "About" in the menu). The FAQs includes a quick overview of Colorado’s Water Plan’s history, process, and other outstanding questions citizens might have.

The FAQs also explains the role of the Basin Roundtables and their individual Basin Implementation Plans (BIP), which will provide solutions for addressing each basin’s future water needs. The BIPs will then be incorporated into the Colorado Water Plan, to be certain we are understanding how water needs will be address at both the basin and statewide level.

Most of the Basin Implementation Plans have their own separate websites from which they can inform those in the basin of events/meetings, the progress of their particular BIP, and ways for individuals to get involved in the process. The following is a list of these websites:

Visit these websites, take a look around at what each basin is working on, and get involved! Visiting the websites is important, as it shows your interest in the Plan and its projects.

More information about each basin can also be found in a draft section of the Colorado Water Plan, released in March 2014, here. This section will be updated as BIPs are completed.

This month, the “Initial Draft Statewide Basin Implementation Plan Goals” were  released, which will help guide each basin in their plan, and might be of interest to those wanting to get involved with their BIP.

Your input is crucial to the completion of a successful Colorado Water Plan. If you are thinking of getting involved, we suggest you do so now, and start by taking a look at the above links and seeing what those in your particular basin are up to. If you have any general input that you would like to have considered for Colorado’s Water Plan, you can visit the General Input Form and let the Colorado Water Conservation Board what you are thinking. 

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