Most recent edition of the Monthly Water News
Monthly Water News Archives:
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011

May 2011 Monthly Water News
Snowpack and reservoir storage as of May 1
May 2, The Colorado Connection
Water panel dips its toes in reality
May 4, The Pueblo Chieftain
Flaming Gorge concept a test for IBCC
May 5, The Pueblo Chieftain
White River Forest OKs "bandit roads" in new travel plan
May 5, The Denver Post
State must move on water plans
May 6, The Pueblo Chieftain
Water rights central to water deals
May 7, The Pueblo Chieftain
Flaming Gorge: a roundup, not a showdown
May 8, The Pueblo Chieftain
CLEAN WATER: Local group working for a healthy environment
May 8, The Star Press
Willoughby: Colorado water projects raise concern
May 11, The Denver Post
Wildlife Commission opposes artist Christo's project
May 11, The Denver Post
Biomass bill would battle beetle kill by creating new plan, working group
May 11, The Colorado Independent
New study reveals dangerous levels of flammable methane in drinking water wells
May 11, The Colorado Independent
Panel would funnel Flaming Gorge issues
May 12, The Pueblo Chieftain
Colorado storm brings soaking rains, snow
May 12, The Denver Post
Colorado conservation groups laud lawmakers for fending off bids to undercut clean energy
May 12, The Colorado Independent
Flooding, fire danger high along Colorado's Western Slope
May 16, The Denver Post
Colorado's gas-station inspections, cleanups draw praise
May 16, The Denver Post
Christo's Colorado Project May Hinge on Sheep
May 17, The New York Times
Colorado's biggest water project in decades under construction from Pueblo to Springs
May 21, The Denver Post
Drought Vs Tourism
May 20, The Durango Herald
Chatfield project to nearly double water storage stirs environmental issues
May 23, The Denver Post
Wildlife Commission hears water plan concerns
May 11, Colorado Division of Wildlife
Recent Colorado storms haven't eased bone-dry conditions in southeastern corner of state.
May 23, KWGN
Record snowpacks have Colorado rafting outfitters giddy with anticipation
May 25, The Denver Post
Don't let the Upper Colorado and Fraser Rivers dry up
May 25, American Rivers
Feds to give I-70 preferred alternative the green light
May 26, Ski Hi Daily News
Feds stop work on Flaming Gorge pipeline study
Bloomberg Business Week
Weather Service wary of June flooding in Colorado
May 25, The Denver Post
'Coping with Calamity' at Aspen Environment Forum
May 27, The Aspen Times
Three Colorado conservation projects announced
May 26, The Colorado Independent
Salazar envisions trail linking RMNP to Denver refuges
May 26, The Coloradoan
Heavy snows spoil weekend holiday plans in West
May 27, The Associated Press
Western U.S.
California's right to exceed federal auto emissions standards is upheld
May 2, The Los Angeles Times
Clark Reservoir dredging to begin in late May
May 29, North Forty News
State says it had right to take $62 million from water coalition
May 2, The Las Vegas Sun
PUGET SOUND: 'Storm Stewards' to fight water pollution
May 3, The Olympian
Park Service proposes limit of 330 snowmobiles a day in Yellowstone Park during winter months
May 5, The Washington Post
Bay Water Levels Are Expected to Rise
May 5, The New York Times
Mopping up at Los Alamos
May 5, High Country News
General Mills, Procter & Gamble pressured to trim packaging
May 6, The Los Angeles Times
Cheyenne seeks firm's help for Lake Minnehaha
May 8, The Washington Examiner
Nevada Bill Could Threaten Wild Horse Water Access
May 11, The Horse
Republicans propose massive change in California water regulations
May 11, Central Valley Business Time
New Mexico governor continues anti-green push
May 12, High Country News
The Dry Garden: Looking at redesigned LADWP bill and considering the true cost of water
May 13, The Los Angeles Times
Yosemite Researchers Get Rare Glimpse at Habitat Shifts Over 100 Years
May 12, The New York Times
The year in water
May 16, High Country News
Where has Montana's water gone?
May 16, High Country News
Drill plans land Hoback River on imperiled list
May 17, The Wall Street Journal
Late storms add to historic flood worries in West
May 18, 7News
Court: reaffirms that muddy water is pollution
May 17, The Sacramento Bee
Skepticism grows over products touted as eco-friendly
May 21, The Los Angeles Times
Proposal to use poison in CA marine sanctuary demonstrates difficult ecological balancing act
May 20, The Washington Post
Pollution solutions
May 22, Bozeman Daily
America's next disaster: Multiple floods in Western states as monster snowpacks melt
May 23, The Daily Mail
Rialto water project begins
May 23, The Sun
A 'Noah's Ark' for the Next Big Tsunami
May 23, The Wall Street Journal
For water researchers, an atmosphere full of questions
May 23, The Los Angeles Times
High Water in Colorado, With Ripples to Las Vegas
May 24, The New West
L.A. County beaches see slight decline in water quality
May 26, The Los Angeles Times
Battle Over Lagoon Cleanup Divides Malibu
May 25, The New York Times
Dam spills extra water; tons of fish are killed
May 26, The Seattle Times
Judge's order stalls contested Malibu Lagoon restoration project
May 26, The Los Angeles Times
Sport fish contaminated along California's urban coastline
May 26, The Los Angeles Times
Court rejects off-road plan for Eldorado National Forest
May 27, Los Angeles Times
Largest U.S. dam removal to begin June 1 in Washington state
May 27, Seattle Pi
Governor's proposal to sell Ramirez Canyon parkland meets tough opposition
May 29, Los Angeles Times
Federal judge upholds Utah park road closure
May 28, The Washington Post
Group urges federal help to clean up Anacostia
May 1, The Washington Post
U.S. Supreme Court refuses to stop Missouri levee blast
May 2, The Denver Post
Mercury, sulfates poisoning the Everglades
May 3, Clean Water Action
Starbucks Issues 10th Sustainability Report, Reduces Water Use 21 Percent
May 3, Reuters
Water levels falling after engineers blast holes in Mississippi River levee in Missouri
May 3, The Los Angeles Times
Lake Okeechobee drops below 11 feet as drought persists
May 2, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Wilderness Bills Proliferate as Promoters Hope to Break 2-Year Drought
May 3, The New York Times
'Anti-Environmental' House Freshman Leads Charge Against Obama's Clean Water Agenda
May 3, The New York Times
Environmental groups sue to stop Chicago's chronic sewage dumping
May 3, Chicago Tribune
Council OKs 29 percent water rate hike
May 4, NaperVille Sun
As flood-swollen Mississippi River rises, so does residents' anxiety
May 5, The Denver Post
Chesapeake Bay Program's Two-Year Milestones Improve Upon Past Strategies, but Accounting of Progress Remains a Challenge
May 4, Science Daily
Floods Raise Runoff Concerns
May 5, The Wall Street Journal
Bonnet Carre will open Monday as "massive amount of water" heads down Mississippi
May 9, NOLA
Army Corps Of Engineers Set To Release Gallons Of Water
May 5, NewsChannel5
Activists appalled by environmental-law changes
May 5, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Good times for San Antonio's River Walk
May 5, Los Angeles Times
Study Probes Sources of Mississippi River Phosphorus
May 5, Science Daily
Our Bay: Plant trees, shrubs, perennials to help the bay
May 7, The Capital Hometown Annapolis
Green Roof Proves a Cost-Effective Way to Keep Water out of Sewers
May 6, Science Daily
Duke study finds methane in well water near gas drilling sites
May 10, The Inquirer Digital
New Orleans gets flood help; Memphis breathes easier
May 9, MSNBC
Consumers Detect Odd Odors, Tastes in Water Despite Government Guidelines
May 9, PhysOrg
Airborne Pollutants: New View of How Water and Sulfur Dioxide Mix
May 10, Science Daily
Floods along the Mississippi River lead to renewed calls for a change in strategy
May 9, The Washington Post
New data: Chesapeake streams in bad health; reductions found in nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment
May 9 , The Washington Post
La. town builds levees around $75 million in riverfront buildings to protect from floods
May 10, The Washington Post
'Green' roofs seen as pollution help
May 9,
Bonnet Carre spillway opening shunts Mississippi River water away from New Orleans
May 9, NOLA
Ethanol plant's snub may mean Xenia water rate hike
May 9, The Demoines Register
Florida Legislature Votes to Ease Rules on Development
May 10, The New York Times
Mississippi River Flooding: Pollution, Fertilizers, Sewage in the Flood Waters; ABC News Does its Own Testing
May 11, ABC News
Water rolls to lower Mississippi; Louisiana considers sparing Baton Rouge
May 12, Detroit Free Press
American Rivers At Greatest Risk in 2011
May 17, Environment News Service
La Nina brings flood risks, drought to the West
May 9, The Coloradoan
Mo. farmers return to lands ruined by blown levee
May 11, USA Today
Groups sue Ky. coal company for water violations
May 12, McClathchy DC
Louisiana floodgate opened to inundate farms, towns while saving cities
May 15, The Denver Post
EPA says Chicago rivers must be cleaned up
May 12, Reuters
House panel passes bill on government flood insurance program
May 14, Los Angeles Times
U.S., Alaska Disagree on Proposed Tongass Roadless Exemptions
May 13, New York Times
First Ocean Acidification Buoy Installed in Alaska Waters
May 12, Science Daily
EPA swamped by funding requests for Great Lakes
May 13, USA Today
ConEdison Study Reveals New Roles for Green Roofs
May 16, Triple Pundit
Extensive Methane Leaks Discovered Under Streets of Boston
May 13, Science Daily
Hydropower's Resurgence and the Controversy Around It
May 15, The New York Times
Europeans Fund South African Dam for Urban Water Supply
May 17, Environment News Service
National forest rules face controversial overhaul
May 16, Los Angeles Times
Potential Loss of Democrats' Support Could Stall Chemical Security Bill
May 17, The New York Times
Risk of Wetland Habitat Loss in Southern United States Predicted
May 18, Science Daily
Study: $2 trillion needed for U.S. infrastructure
May 16, The Washington Post
Thinking way outside the box
May 18, The Pueblo Chieftain
Sharing Lake Okeechobee's declining water supply stresses environment
May 19, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Texas drinking water makes pipes and plumbing radioactive
May 18, KHOU
Fracking Fluid Drums Found In Arkansas Creek
May 20, KUAR
Pressure to Improve Water Quality in Chicago River
May 19, The New York Times
EPA Weighs Threats Posed by Mercury Used in Religious Rituals
May 18, The New York Times
Can River Sediment Be Used to Repair the Coast?
May 20, Science Daily
Which U.S. states lead in clean energy?
May 20, USA Today
D.C. Water's tunnel vision, with green in mind
May 19, The Washington Post
Lejeune water issue going back to Congress
May 20, Marine Corps Times
Cities can't treat brine from new gas wells
May 17, The Columbus Dispatch
Fracking endangers Susquehanna, group says
May 17, The Baltimore Sun
Florida Celebrates May 16 - 21 as Water Reuse Week
May 16, Wakulla County News
Hydrofracking Changes Water Wells
May 9, Duke Today
More than half of Everglades water conservation areas have gone dry during drought
May 13, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Shale gas linked to bad water
May 14, Montreal Gazette
Florida leaders obstruct path to new clean water rules
May 21, Tampa Bay
Bonneville trims wind, fossil plants to protect fish
May 20, Reuters
Land, water management gains go up in smoke
May 21, Miami Herald
High water on the Big Muddy
May 21, The Washington Post
Louisiana residents have agonizing wait as floodwaters approach
May 22, The Denver Post
As Mississippi River Recedes, Risk Remains
May 21, The New York Times
Flooding threat along Mississippi River is a test of man vs. nature
May 21, The Washington Post
Tiny Federal Program Will Save Enough Water to Supply a City
May 22, Clean Technica
Naples runs low on recycled water, debate over use pits golf courses vs. Port Royal
May 22, Naples News
In Chicago, prep under way for wet, steamy future
May 23, Saint Louis Today
Water legislation goes down the drain
May 23, My San Antonio
A City Prepares for a Warm Long-Term Forecast
May 22, The New York Times
As diverted Mississippi River water fills the Atchafalaya Basin, only a few holdouts remain in town
State sues NRC over water permit
May 24, Brattleboro Reformer
House panel takes up dispute over 'oil sands' pipeline from Canada
May 23, Yahoo News
The Mississippi River Flood: A Louisiana Scientist's View
May 19, The Nature Conservancy
Water Research Foundation Announces Initiative To Update And Expand Landmark Residential End Uses Of Water Study
May 23, The Water Research Foundation
Receding Mississippi River floodwaters reveal ruined homes and cropland in southern states
May 24, The Washington Post
Air pollution: Obama administration seeks stricter limits on mercury pollution from power plants
May 23, The Los Angeles Times
A snowy winter and stormy spring have filled the Mississippi to overflowing
May 19, The Economist
Rally planned against gas well water in Auburn
May 26, The Auburn Pub
Bay Defenders Enter Court Battle Against Agricultural Giants
May 26, Greater Annapolis Patch
Net-Zero in Vermont: Putney School a Model for Sustainability
May 25, Triple Pundit
Michigan adds water withdrawal, record-keeping regulations for natural gas fracking operations
May 25, The Washington Post
Pumps to keep Lake Okeechobee water moving south, despite environmental threats
May 26, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Environmental rules fight brews
May 30, The NewsObserver
Largest-Ever Dead Zone 'a Disaster in the Making' for La. Fishermen
May 27, The New York Times
Corps: Missouri River dams will release more water than planned
May 28, Sioux City Journal
The Landscape in the Backyard Is Hydroelectric
May 29, The New York Times
Texas May Soon Make 'Frack' Chemicals Public
May 29, Associated Press
New climate report confirms Arctic melt accelerating, sharply raises sea level rise projection
May 3, Newser
Off The Deep End — Beijing's Water Demand Outpaces Supply Despite Conservation, Recycling, and Imports
May 3, Circle of Blue
Portable Tech Might Provide Drinking Water, Power to Villages
May 3, Science Daily
Improving Post-Fire Forest Management to Promote Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Ecosystems
May 4, Science Daily
Global warming: Arctic melting faster than projected
May 5, Summit County Citizens Voice
Chile approves huge dam project in wild Patagonia
May 9, The Denver Post
Quake shifted Japan; towns now flood at high tide
May 9, The Denver Post
Brazil's forest code debate may determine fate of the Amazon rainforest
May 9, Environmental News Network
Renewable Sources Could Provide 77% of World's Energy by 2050, Report Says
May 9, The New York Times
A Lot of Hot Water, but Not Much Is Being Used to Produce Electricity
May 10,
Ocean Acidification: Carbon Dioxide Makes Life Difficult for Algae
May 10, Science Daily
Giving a river room to overflow
May 8, The Washington Post
Chileans protest government approval of five Patagonia dams
May 10, Christian Science Monitor
Saving Kenya's Lake Naivasha: Efforts to Improve Sustainability
May 11, Science Daily
Marine Lab Research Tracks Pollutants in Dolphins and Beluga Whales
May 11, Science Daily
Drought halts shipping on China's Yangtze
May 12, Physorg
Venice Tourist Ships Rattle Windows and Nerves
May 14, The New York Times
Nuclear Desalination: Fresh Water from Waste Heat of Power Plants
May 13, Science Daily
Central China Hit by Wide-Scale Drought
May 16, The New York Times
The Middle East is running dry - and into the perfect storm?
May 19, The Guardian
China Admits Problems With Three Gorges Dam
May 19, The New York Times
As an Insecticide Makes a Comeback, Uganda Must Weigh Its Costs
May 18, The New York Times
Alberta Minister Seeks Better Environmental Monitoring
May 19, The Wall Street Journal
Sudan, Peacekeepers to Appeal for $1.43 Billion for Darfur Water Projects
May 12, Bloomberg
Massive Canadian fires linked with beetles, climate change
May 21, Summit County Citizens Voice
Brazil's crackdown on deforestation of the Amazon
May 21, The Guardian
Environment: Nitrogen from sewage emerging as coral threat
May 22, Summit County Citizens Voice
China plans financial overhaul at Three Gorges Dam
May 22, The Denver Post
Brazil Deforestation Escalates as Nation Debates Easing Forest Code
May 22, Matter Network
U.K. Panel: No Water Risk From 'Fracking'
May 23, The Wall Street Journal
Two Greenland Glaciers Lose Enough Ice to Fill Lake Erie
May 24, Science Daily
China explores using fish to tackle water pollution in Three Gorges Reservoir
May 25, PhilStar
Israeli firms offer technology to slake the world's thirst
May 26, Earth Friendly Energy
Coca-Cola - replenishing water in the drinks industry
May 26, The Guardian
China drought impact widens, reaching Shanghai
May 26, Associated Press
Fukushima Faces 'Massive Problem' From Water
May 27, SFGate
Shale gas drilling 'contaminates drinking water'
May 9, BBC
Ice melt to close off Arctic's interior riches: study
May 30, Reuters
Many thanks to Loretta Lohman at for compiling many of the news articles in this report.
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