Most recent edition of the Monthly Water News
Monthly Water News Archives:
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011

June 2011 Monthly Water News
Riverside residents watch warily as Colorado's waters rise
June 1, The Denver Post
Flood warning issued in western Colorado as Elk River spills its banks
June 7, The Dnever Post
Group to review Colorado's rules on fracking
June 6, The Denver Post
Access to 2 Colorado rivers closed because of high water flow
June 8, The Denver Post
CU-Boulder: Pine beetle outbreak may lead to deeper snowpacks
June 8, The Daily Camera
Wildlife Commission approves water plans
June 9, The Times Call
Three Colorado rivers closed to tubing, but not kayaking or rafting
June 11, The Denver Post
Colorado Wildlife Commission gives Denver Water's Moffat project a green light
June 11, The Denver Post
Congressional Republicans Dirtying the Waters
June 11, Common Dreams
Is the Colorado River dying?
June 13, Summit Daily
U.S. Forest Service wraps up public meetings on Colorado roadless
June 15, The Denver Post
Irrigation: Find system that works and use it
June 16, Durango Herald
Swift Beef fined $1.3M for water pollution
June 16, UPI
Get An Irrigation Audit And Save On The Water Bill
June 18, CBS Denver
NSF Awards CU-Boulder $5.9M Grant For Alpine Ecosystem Research
June 20, Climate News
Fines for Garden Gulch drilling spills finally to be imposed after more than three years
June 21, The Colorado Independent
Across Colorado, a chilly adieu to spring
June 21, The Denver Post
DPS parents want fewer chemicals on school lawns
June 22, The Denver Post
EPA selects Colorado site as part of ongoing study of fracking impacts on drinking water
June 23, The Coloroado Independent
Water Efficiency May Ease Colorado River Woes
June 23, KQED
Deals struck for fines totalling $316,350 in Garden Gulch drilling fluid spill cases
June 24, The Colorado Independent
Coloradans are using less water, study shows
June 22, The GJ Sentinel
Colorado rolls out more water-saving tactics as conservation efforts pay off
June 25, The Denver Post
Wild Yampa Canyon needs preserving
June 26, The Denver Post
Colorado Voices: Who owns the Yampa?
June 26, The Denver Post
Experts: River safety normal
June 25, The Coloradoan
Cotter Corp. has Colorado's OK to dump radioactive sludge into leaking pond
June 28, The Denver Post
Court rules on water stored for drought protection
June 28, GJ Sentinel
Rep. Lamborn backs bid to unplug National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden
June 4, The Denver Post
Antero Reservoir drawdown forces operating changes
June 5, The Denver Post
Wildllife Commission reviews reservoir plans
June 5, The Daily Camera
Mountain run-off creates spectacular sights
June 5, 9News
Colorado Wildlife Commission Signs Off on Water Projects
June 9, KUNC
State focuses on stretching Colorado River supply
June 10, The Pueblo Chieftain
Enviro groups sue over lack of oil and gas air-pollution analysis near Roan Plateau
June 13, The Colorado Independent
Colorado rafters revel in river levels as flood dangers linger
June 14, The Denver Post
Dirty Water From Mines. Should Hikers Beware?
June 13, The New West
Judge dismisses natural gas companies' applications for SW Colorado water rights
June 16, The Denver Post
Wildlife Commission water deal may ease some fears but regulators admit 'it's not perfect'
June 10, The Colorado Independent
Gray-water workshops in L.A. teach DIYers how to recycle household water, capture rain
June 7, The Los Angeles Times
San Lorenzo water board to set special meeting on public use of Olympia Watershed
June 3, The Mercury News
California Senate votes to ban foam takeout containers
June 3, The Los Angeles Times
Upgrade for Giant Forest water on tap
June 5, Fresno Bee
North Platte River reaches record high at Saratoga
June 7, Billings Gazette
Drying Rockies Could Bring More Water Woes to Western U.S.
June 9, Science Magazine
Flooding overwhelms Montana, supplies ferried in
June 10, The Missourian
Thick snowpack holds water — and potential peril
June 12, The Los Angeles Times
Wind power and water power collide in the Northwest
June 14, The Los Angeles Times
Water shortages in the West: 'You ain't seen nothing yet'
June 14, The Colorado Independent
Salazar: Bleak USGS Rocky Mountain water report shows 'real impacts of carbon pollution'
June 14, The Colorado Independent
Flooding impacts travel across the West
June 14, USA Today
Environmental groups tally California Coastal Commission votes
June 14, The Los Angeles Times
Oregon panel approves tough new clean water rules
June 17, Reuters
High winds, temps propel Southwestern wildfires
June 17, The Denver Post
Lawsuit: Army Corps' Plan to Clear Trees Off Levees Harms Species
June 20, Environment News Service
Forecasting river flows, floods is science and art
June 24, The Salt Lake Tribune
A victory in Western water wars? Study shows progress in water use.
June 28, Axcess News
Wildfires pummeling Arizona threaten endangered species
June 23, MSNBC
Scientists find holes in Klamath River dam removal plan
June 25, The Los Angeles Times
California's new pesticide plan sparks protest
June 24, The Los Angeles Times
Water-efficient home in L.A.'s Mount Washington
June 25, The Los Angeles Times
Mining leases ban near Grand Canyon met with high praise from groups
June 25, The GJ Sentinel
Developer of Wyoming-to-Colorado pipeline project looks to add hydropower to mix
June 27, The Denver Post
Water district eliminates basin boards
May 31, Highlands Today
Pa., Philly sign 25-year, $2 billion plan to clean water through 'green' infrastructure
June 1, Lancaster Online
South Coast Residents Lining Up For Water
June 1, WCVB Boston
Feds examining mussels in tri-state water case
June 1, My San Antonio
Philadelphia moves ahead with 25-year water-management plan
June 2,
Chemicals linked to intersex fish focus of Potomac Conservancy forum on endocrine disruptors
June 2, The Republic
Rising river ousts S.D. residents
June 2, The Daily Camera
Failed projects scar Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal even after 'cleanup'
June 2, NY Daily News
State pollution board orders Chicago River cleanup
June 2, The Chicago Tribune
A Toxic River Improves, but Still Has Far to Go
June 2, The New York Times
As Missouri River Rises, Control Efforts Take Shape
June 2, The New York Times
Lake Okeechobee drops below 10 feet, lowest level in four years
June 4, The Palm Beach Post
Signs of an Urban River's Revival in Virginia
June 4, The New York Times
DEP proposes overhaul of act aimed at keeping drilling away from water sources
June 6, The Standard Speaker
Land and Water Conservation Fund vital to state
June 7, Tampa Bay Online
Virtual Water Cannot Remedy Freshwater Shortage
June 6, Science Daily
Army expects full breach of Missouri River levee
June 6, The Washingtion Times
The End of An Era: MWRD Votes to Disinfect Chicago River
June 7, The Huffington Post
Urban development blamed for pollution
June 7, UPI
Minorities see bottled water as safer, buy more
June 8, Fox News
As a hot-button issue, water may trump all
June 8, NewsOK
Chicago Water District Votes to Treat Sewage Before Dumping
June 7, Environmental News Service
Analysts: Water industry poised for fast growth
June 8, BusinessWeek
Gulf Oil Spill Reported Near Venice, Louisiana; Coast Guard Investigating
June 8, The Huffington Post
New Rain Sensor Making Rivers Cleaner
June 7, PR NewsWire
New study finds bottled water no healthier than tap water
June 8, TMJ4
Water supplier sentenced, fined
June 9, The New Star
American Rivers Head Tapped for Assistant Secretary Fish, Wildlife and Parks
June 8, Environmental News Service
Widespread Stream Biodiversity Declines at Low Levels of Urban Development
June 13, Science Daily
In Historic Flooding On Mississippi River, A Missed Opportunity To Rebuild Louisiana
June 9, The Huffington Post
Federal Fracking Panel Heavy With Industry Influence, Critics Charge
June 9, The Huffington Post
Water Policy in Legislature Rode on One Word
June 9, The New York Times
Calculating Water Footprints: How Much Water in Your Food?
June 10, Triple Pundit
NASA readying ocean surveying satellite for launch from Vandenberg AFB
June 9, The Los Angeles Times
Marcellus Shale drilling process pumps water underground, never to return
June 10, Penn Live
Wildfires and drought plague portions of the southern USA.
June 10, USA Today
Sewage just a drop in the river
June 11,
Interior Chief Promises Major Push in Congress for New Wilderness Package
June 10, The New York Times
Top water users seek ways to conserve
June 11, My West Texas
Corps closes 30 bays at Bonnet Carre Spillway
June 12, Fox 8
Flood pollution will be minimal, experts say
June 13, The Bismark Tribune
Landscaping With Less Water
June 12, The New York Times
US Utilities Concerned About Water, Nuclear Waste Disposal - Study
June 13, The Wall Street Journal
West Palm Beach officials warn city could run out of water in less than 2 months
June 13, The Palm Beach Post
Florida hopes to block new federal water-pollution rules by rewriting its own
June 13, Orlando Sentinel
Bid to repair Lake Michigan and Great Lakes, one marsh at a time
June 13, The Christian Science Monitor
Watershed Protection Plan Meeting Seeks Input
June 15, The Farmer-Stockman
Proposed Texas Coal Plant Hopes for Water Deal
June 15, The Texas Tribune
EPA Seeks Small Business Participation on Wastewater Discharge Rule for Steam Electric Power Plants
June 15, EPA Online
Water managers trying to avoid taking more Everglades water to ease drought
June 15, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
What Happens When Our Lakes Run Dry? CRMWD Explains.
June 15, CBS7
Hamburg waits for water
June 16,
Drought could dry Llano River by week's end, officials say
June 15,
Rep. Mica introduces bill that would rewrite the Clean Water Act
June 16, The Washington Independent
River Reaches Levee Protecting Iowa Town
June 16, The Wall Street Journal
Clarksburg Considers Selling Effluent Water for Fracking
June 16, WOWK 13
Local community water restrictions
June 17, ABC News
Senate gives final legislative approval to bill that protects New York's water resources
June 16, New York State Senate
Galveston, League City enacts mandatory water restrictions
June 17, KHOU
EPA Administrator Tours WaterSense Manufacturing Facility to Highlight Products that Conserve Water
June 17, EPA
Epic snowpack brings stunning scenery, hazards to national parks
June 16, MSNBC
Eel River Headwaters Restoration Project Honored
June 17, Environmental News Service
Louisiana wetlands loss continues, decrease not as dramatic
June 17, The Los Angeles Times
Idaho program gets public to help monitor water
June 18, The Idaho Press Tribune
'Perfect Storm' Along Missouri River Puts Army Corps Policies in Cross Hairs
June 17, The New York Times
Army Corps of Engineers working to fix levee in Iowa
June 17, USA Today
Budget cuts may hamper flooding research
June 19, USA Today
Many top local water users in Palm Beach, West Palm boost consumption despite restrictions
June 19, The Palm Beach Post
N.Y. Assembly Tightens Rules on Water Withdrawals
June 20, The New York TImes
100-degree days taking toll on lakes
June 20, KXAN
Chief Water Manager Says Corps Of Engineers Went By The Book
June 20, Nebraska State Paper
Tritium leaking into water
June 21, SunTimes
Environmental cutbacks in the budget deal
June 20, The Washington Post
Clean Water Act change slides through Senate
June 21, The Los Angeles Times
Corps to up Gavins Point releases to 160,000 cfs
June 21, Sioux City Journal
Celebrating a Century of Stench at Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal
June 21, The Wall Street Journal
Flood waters surrounding Nebraska nuke plants concerning, but not yet critical
June 22, Investment Watch
Small Hydropower's Negative Impact on The Environment
June 22,
North Dakota city mayor: Water to top dikes soon
June 22, Sign On San Diego
Ohio House OKs Lake Erie water withdrawal
June 23, Toledo Blade
Water management districts cope with Tallahassee-mandated budget cuts
June 22, Gainesville Sun
Too little water for nuclear power in Colorado; too much of the stuff in neighboring Nebraska
June 23, The Colorado Independent
EPA Warns House Bill Would 'Overturn' Clean Water Law
June 23, The New York Times
Neighbors wary of tar sands refinery in Detroit
June 23, The Michigan Messenger
Former Ohio Gov. Bob Taft joins environmentalists in opposing Lake Erie water use bill
June 23,
Dane County farm families join to reduce lake pollution
June 23, Wisconsin State Journal
Federal Agencies Partner to Revitalize Urban Waterways In Communities Across The U.S.
June 24, Manufacturing Net
Slow river rise nears a roar in North Dakota city
June 24,ABC7 News
Landscape Coefficients Prove Useful for Urban Water Conservation Efforts; New Strategies Provide Important Irrigation Information, Promote Water Savings
June 23, Science Daily
Health department would let West Palm pump lower-quality drinking water
June 24, The Palm Beach Post
Susquehanna River Basin Commission to study pollution capacity at Conowingo Dam
June 24, The Baltimore Sun
Dried Up: Texas Industry and Residents Square Off Over Water as Drought Continues
June 22, Circle of Blue
Creating Reservoirs Under Roads And Parking Lots
June 24, NPR
Green Jobs Attract Graduates
June 24, The New York Times
Proposal for Superfund Site
June 25, The Wall Street Journal
Man and Nature vs. Louisiana's Oystermen
June 25, The Wall Street Journal
Texas' second oil boom costs precious water
June 25, San Diego Standard-Times
North Dakota: A state shaped by wild water
June 26, InForum
Bill would give states veto power over clean water rules
June 26,
Levees hold as Souris River crests at historic high
June 26, Reuters
Drought etiquette: How best to handle neighbors who ignore water restrictions
June 26, The Palm Beach Post
Tampa Bay waste spills stoke fears of an era of pollution
June 27, The Herald Tribune
Ex-Ohio officials against Great Lakes water bill
June 27, The Wall Street Journal
Prank signs on rest area drinking fountains target gas drilling
June 27,
ENVIRONMENT: $40 Million in grants awarded to help the Bay
June 27, Del Marva Now
Dealing with drought: El Paso avoids water-contingency plans
June 28, El Paso Times
Blackhawk helicopters to practice water scooping
June 28, The Wall Street Journal
Loudoun has big water, sewage issues ahead
June 28, The Washington Post
Upper Chesapeake Bay sees low salinity levels
June 27, The Baltimore Sun
Investors Tackle Fracking and Water Scarcity Risks
June 29, Forbes
Supreme Court to Hear EPA Wetland Case
June 28, The New York Times
Carbon-coated sand improves purification of drinking water
June 28, USAToday
New concerns in Congress over planned Keystone XL pipeline
June 1, The Los Angeles Times
Plan for China's Water Crisis Spurs Concern
June 2, The New York Times
Building a Better Dam Map: New Database of Reservoirs and Dams for Sustainable River-Flow Management
June 2, Science Daily
What the Margins of Spain's Ebro River Basin Looked Like 6 Million Years Ago
June 2, Science Daily
Amid severe drought, Chinese government admits mistakes with Three Gorges Dam
June 4, The Washington Post
Improving Life Along Danube: At Nature's Cost?
June 6, Bloomberg Business Week
Britain's hot spring could be result of shrinking Arctic
June 5, The Guardian
Crisis meeting is called as drought leaves crops dying in the fields
June 5, The Guardian
Underground water pollution serious near US bases in Seoul
June 7, The Korea Times
China Acid Spill Knocks Out Water to Half Million
June 7, The Huffington Post
What Top Predators Can Tell Us About Ocean Ecosystems
June 7, Science Daily
Yangtze Rains Bring Drought Relief, and Floods
June 7, The New York Times
Polluted water raises a stink in Hangzhou
June 8, China Daily
U.S. environment agency raises concern over safety of TransCanada's pipeline
June 8, People's Daily Online
A Hybrid Power Plant Takes Shape in Turkey
June 7, The New York Times
Ruckelshaus, Marine Experts Lend Support to Fledgling White House Ocean Initiative
June 8, The New York Times
Climate Change Will Spur Droughts, Cut Food Output, FAO Says in Report
June 9, Bloomberg
Cape May says it will clean up Victorian-era pollution at planned park site
June 9, Press of Atlantic City
China's CO2 emissions rose 10 percent in 2010: BP data
June 8, Reuters
Thousands of fish dead after Thames sewerage overflow
June 9, The Guardian
Another Cost of Bottled Water: Environmental Injustice and Inequity
June 9, The Guardian
Mattel to investigate suppliers for links to rain forest destruction
June 9, The Los Angeles Times
Europeans Act to Stem Drought Damage
June 9, The New York Times
Italians Vote on Nuclear, Water Policies
June 10, The Seattle Times
U.K. Bemoans Lack of Rain
June 10, The Wall Street Journal
Venice to Suffer Fewer Storm Surges
June 10, Science Daily
Dead Sea Threatened Both by Shrinking and Flooding
June 13, Seattle Pi
China's Drought Threatens Farm Income, Drinking Water, Wildlife and Hydropower
June 14, The New York Times
India Aims $1 Billion at Sacred but Filthy Ganges
June 14, The New York Times
Peru Revokes Permit for Giant Dam on Amazon Tributary
June 16, Environmental News Service
Zebra Mussel Invasion in Spain Is Irreversible, Experts Say
June 16, Science Daily
Huge new boreal forest preserve in Manitoba
June 16, The Los Angeles Times
Plan for Hydroelectric Dam in Patagonia Outrages Chileans
June 16, The New York Times
Utility Starts Filtering Water at Stricken Japanese Nuclear Plant
June 18, Our Business News
Water cleanup system shut down at Japan nuke plant
June 18, The Denver Post
Pollution put on the map by CSIRO
June 20, Eco Business
Pupils test world water in mass chemistry experiment
June 22, BBC
Fiji Water accused of environmentally misleading claims
June 20, The Telegraph
'Super Sand' for Better Purification of Drinking Water
June 22, Science Daily
In Mexico, a drought has thrown the reliable rainy season out of whack
June 22, The Los Angeles Times
GM to pay nearly $3M to cut mercury pollution
June 23, The Los Angeles Times
Study of Phytoremediation Benefits of 86 Indoor Plants Published; Japanese Royal Fern Tops List for Formaldehyde Removal Effectiveness
June 23, Science Daily
Newspaper Archives Help to Understand Coastal Flooding Along the South of England
June 24, Science Daily
Frackers becoming new revenue stream for waste water companies
June 24, Calgary Herald
Ocean 'feedback' speeds Antarctic glacier melt
June 26, Summit County Citizens Voice
Warming oceans cause largest movement of marine species in two million years
June 26, The Telegraph
Prodigal Plankton Returns to the Atlantic
June 26, Discovery News
Emissions from Energy Use in the Water Sector Are Poorly Understood
June 26, Science Daily
Water shortages threaten renewable energy production, experts warn
June 27, The Guardian
Green wall may keep the sand out
June 28, The Guardian
Africa drought pushes Kenya and Somalia into pre-famine conditions
June 28, The Guardian
Land Use Change Influences Continental Water Cycle
June 28, Science Daily
Changes in Madagascar's Rivers and Lakes
June 28, The New York Times
Many thanks to Loretta Lohman at for compiling many of the news articles in this report.
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