Most recent edition of the Monthly Water News
Monthly Water News Archives:
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
March 2011
February 2011

July 2011 Monthly Water News
Conservationists Mobilize to Protect River
June 30, KUNC Radio
Water Proposal Sparks Controversy
June 30, KUNC Radio
Strange but true: Jellyfish inhabit Colorado waters
July 1, The Coloradoan
Garney to Build New Water Facilities in Colorado
July 1, UIM Online
Writers on the Range: Local food, local business, local loans
July 2, High Country News
Fishing ban in Hermosa Creek drainage to restore endangered trout
July 3, The Denver Post
Anti-mussels efforts paying off
July 3, The Denver Post
Car washes vow to keep chemicals, grease out of waterways
July 4, The Daily Camera
Parks and Wildlife board schedules inaugural meeting
July 5, Grand Junction Sentinel
Magazine names Colorado No. 5 in sustainability
July 5, Denver Business Journal
Jeffco's "There Is No Poop Fairy" campaign gets national attention
July 5, Denver WestWord
Summer flooding predicted across West, upper Midwest
July 8, Summit County Citizens Voice
Error takes a big bite out of DOW
July 9, Pueblo Chieftain
Diverting the Colorado: 2 projects with Boulder County ties to bring more water to Front Range
July 9, The Daily Camera
Country watches as Boulder considers forming own electric utility
July 10, The Denver Post
Semi lands in creek southwest of Denver, fuel tank ruptures
July 10, The Gazette
Under Colorado law, rainfall can be legally diverted
July 9, The Durango Herald
Vacuum will sweep Fountain Creek
July 12, The Pueblo Chieftain
City has no plans to raise water level that led to thousands of dead Asian carp near dams
July 14, The Herald-Review
Denver clearing debris-clogged storm drains to avert flooding
July 15, The Denver Post
Wildlife officials say non-native mussels growing
July 14, 9News
Million shakes up environmental review of 550-mile water pipeline project
July 15, The Coloradoan
Colorado: Roadless rule elicits more than 50,000 comments
July 15, Summit County Citizens Voice
Lawyer had dual role in deal that cost Weld, Adams farmers water rights
July 17, The Denver Post
Christo's "Over the River" is coming to a head
July 18, Denver WestWord
Flaming Gorge could take heat off SLV
July 18, Valley Courier
Bradford Publishing Announces a Revised Edition of an Important Guide to Colorado's Unique Water Law System
July 19, PR Web
Parts of Bandelier monument re-open after Las Conchas Fire
July 20, Summit County Citizens Voice
Colorado: Another twist in the roadless saga
July 20, Summit County Citizens Voice
Water trickling into Highland Lakes at record lows
July 21, Statesman
Aspen company says its bottled water an environmentally sound alternative
July 21, The Aspen Times
Health alert gets lifted for Animas
July 20, The Durango Herald
Colorado School of Mines tapped to fix urban water problems
July 21, 9News
Water transfers: Will ag be protected?
July 22, The Pueblo Chieftain
Southern Colorado drought hurting farmers, ranchers
July 22, The Denver Post
Parks, DOW fine-tuning their merger
July 24, Montrose Daily Press
Water use: food, fun or forests?
July 25, The Pueblo Chieftain
Sediment collector rolls out on Friday
July 25, The Pueblo Chieftain
Officials unsure what to do with growing piles of beetle-killed trees
July 25, The Denver Post
Kayakers, conservationists to converge on Confluence Kayaks to back Clean Water Act
July 25, The Coloardo Independent
Monitoring finds mussels persist in Pueblo Reservoir
July 13, CDOW
State asked to plug Flaming Gorge pipeline study
July 27, The Pueblo Chieftain
Nestle Water truck rolls enroute to Denver
July 27, The Colorado Independent
Foes of Christo's plan to cover Arkansas River with fabric sue state park board
July 27, The Denver Post
Elbert County Commission to vote on expanding water district's reach across Colorado
July 27, The Denver Post
High water puts damper on recreation in Rocky mountains
July 2, Reuters
Weather in West turns July 4 into skier's paradise
July 7, The Denver Post
Antelope Valley residents not fired up over green energy projects
July 4, The Los Angeles Times
Phoenix Dusts Off After Giant Sandstorm Whips Through
July 6, The NY Times
ExxonMobil attempts to limit oil spill on Yellowstone River
July 3, The LA Times
Yellowstone River oil spill: Pollution found 100 miles from rupture
July 4, Alaska Dispatch
Debris and Heavy Flow of Water Hamper Cleanup of Oil in Yellowstone River
July 4, The NY Times
July 4, Reuters
Arizona wildfires leave bitter aftermath for water, climate
July 5, AZ Central
Exxon Mobil vows to clean up oil spilled from Montana pipe
July 5, The Denver Post
Sacramento volunteers help spread word on water conservation
July 4, The Sacramento Bee
Cleanup under way after massive Ariz. dust storm
July 6, Aurora Sentinel
Las Conchas fire expected to burn until monsoon arrives
July 6, Summit COunty Citizens Voice
EPA now coordinating oil cleanup in Yellowstone River
July 6, Summit County Citizens Voice
Some cities slow to cover up drinking water supply
July 7, Aurora Sentinel
EPA sued over toxic waste dumps in California
July 7, The LA Times
Fight Over Sewage Flares in Marin
July 7, The Wall Street Journal
Previous Burn, Restoration Work Helped Spare Los Alamos From Catastrophe
July 7, The NY Times
Yellowstone River rancher: 'We can't use majority of our farm … it's really bad'
July 8, The Colorado Independent
US cities cover open drinking water reservoirs
July 7, ABC News
Dust storm to bring lots of continued pollution problems
July 8, The Phoenix Business Journal
Geothermal Industry to Get Boost from New Research
July 8, Science Daily
Getting tough on water wasters
July 8, My San Antonio
Drought forces pumping to meet Pecos water needs
July 8, Bloomberg Businessweek
La Nina, blamed for U.S. South drought, may revive this autumn
July 7, Reuters
Despite heavy rains, conserving water is still important
July 10, San Luis Obispo Tribune
Butte County area-of-origin water rights case proceeds in court
July 10, ChicoER
Oil found 80 miles downstream of Yellowstone River spill
July 10, Summit County Citizens Voice
Avalon's dirty little secret: its beach is health hazard
July 10, The LA Times
New Mexico rains douse flames but fuel flood fears
July 11, Reuters
High levels of radiation detected in Northwest rainwater
July 11, King 5
Water conservation: Sierra Club rates L.A. and Orange County cities
July 13, The LA Times
Ranching, Wetlands Collide in North Coast
July 14, The Wall Street Journal
Permaculture, Water Conservation Expert to Speak During Santa Fe Carbon Economy Series
July 15, PR Web
After Yellowstone River oil spill, domestic water well testing trickles in
July 15, New West
Wilderness, Grazing Fuel Debate Over 1.1M-Acre Montana Refuge
July 14, The NY Times
Battered West Coast a lesson on warming, study finds
July 13, MSNBC
Toads hold up mud removal from Devil's Gate Dam
July 15, The LA Times
City of Merced to pay $1.5 million to 2,200 residents of chromium-contaminated subdivision
July 15, The Washington Post
EPA knew about sales from Superfund site in Montana
July 18, The Durango Herald
$114 million Tesla project aids Hetch Hetchy water
July 20, SF Gate
Protect the Flows group lobbies Salazar, congressional leaders on Colorado River health
July 19, The Colorado Independent
Fracking: Monterey shale exploration draws protest
July 19, The LA Times
Yellowstone River oil spill takes toll on wildlife
July 19,
DWP granted reprieve on rules meant to protect sea life [Updated]
July 20, The LA Times
A Paradox for the West's Plumbing System: Flood on the Top, Drought on the Bottom
July 21, The NY Times
Study sought on record Utah snowpack, groundwater
July 21, ABC News
Unusual glacial drain floods View Drive
July 21, Jeneau Empire
Yakima River Basin -- A new water era begins
July 23, Yakima Herald
Montana's stream access law stays strong
July 25, High Country News
Soil, groundwater tests measure resort's fuel leak
July 23, The Sacramento Bee
U.S. House Vote Endangers a Top American Vacation Destination
July 25, Lake Stevens Journal
Scientists warn that fires could consume Yellowstone forests
July 25, USA Today
Coho Salmon at Risk in U.S. Urbanizing Watersheds
July 26, Science Daily
Two States Protect Lake Tahoe, But One Eyes Changes
July 26, NPR
Governor urges water cooperation
July 27, The Pueblo Chieftain
Conservation Groups: House Riders Threaten CA's Land, Water
July 27, Public News Service
Santa Cruz City Council OKs studying water swap as desalination debate continues
July 26, Mercury News
Storing Water for a Dry Day Leads to Suits
July 26, The NY Times
Energy Concerns Could Make Panetta First Green DOD Chief
July 1, The NY Times
Sen. Cardin Hopes to Bridge Divide Over Water
July 1, The NY Times
Tracing Unscooped Dog Waste Back to the Culprit
July 1, The NY Times
Urban Fish Farming: Wave Of The Future?
July 3, NPR
Congested Missouri River threatens tributaries
July 5, MSNBC
Silt Buildup Muddies Trade on River
July 5, The Wall Street Journal
Ohio starts taking Pa. fracking wastewater
July 5, The Wall Street Journal
Water levels along Missouri River ease as enormity of flood emerges
July 5, Kansas City Business Journal
Corps seeking land along river
July 6, KSDK
EPA's Lisa Jackon, lone gunslinger for science and the environment
July 6, The NY Times
Deluges in May, June set record flow on Missouri River
July 6, Aberdeen News
Auburn City Council may vote on gas well water ban
July 7, Auburn Pub
Save water, cue snickers
July 7, Amarillo Globe-News
Urination saga in Portland reservoir reveals gap in protecting water supply after 9/11
July 7, Newser
APNewsBreak: Iowa governor criticizes Missouri River management, proposes downstream group
July 7, Newser
AP: Pa. seeks stronger look at drilling near water
July 7, The Wall Street Journal
$661,330 grant to provide 11 homes with water
July 7, Charleston Daily Mail
Auburn City Council approves gas well water ban
July 8, Auburn Pub
47 Groups Oppose Fracking Plans of New York's Cuomo Administration
July 7, The Environmental News Service
Halliburton confirms well contamination in Duncan
July 8, The Associated Press
Republican House bill would exempt homeland security activities from every single federal environmental law
July 8, Summit County Citizens Voice
Three books on water, its importance and its future
July 8, The Washington Post
Use water conservation techniques effectively
July 8, KDH News
Pesticide bill threatens the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem
July 9, The Baltimore Sun
Earthen levees on Missouri River at risk
July 10, STL Today
Ohio to Get $1M for Taking Frack Water
July 11, The Intellegencer
Senators to meet over future of Missouri River
July 11, STL Today
Big Water Users Get Flak in Drought
July 11, The Wall Street Journal
Intense heat scorches central, southern USA
July 12, USA Today
American Arsenic: After a Decade, Small Communities Still Struggle to Meet Federal Drinking Water Standards
July 11, Circle of Blue
Drought Spreads Its Pain Across 14 States
July 11, Mercury News
Fracking Water Killed Trees, Study Finds
July 12, The NY Times
Dow Chemical found responsible for water pollution in Louisiana
July 12, mlive
Short on Cash and Know-How, U.S. Geothermal Industry Stumbles
July 12, The NY Times
Edmond follows OKC into water rationing
July 12, Edmond Sun
St. Johns water district announces deep cutbacks
July 12, The Orlando Sentinel
For Texas Policymakers, Drought Exposes Limits of Power
July 13, The Texas Tribune
Harm to Lake Erie may flow from Ohio law
July 13, Buffalo News
Unrelenting Heat Alters Routines Across the U.S.
July 12, The NY Times
Report: Lakes states have mixed record on compact
July 12, The Wall Street Journal
Higgins Calls for Stop to Plan that Siphons Water From Great Lakes
July 13, WKBW
Pickens Water-to-Riches Dream Fizzles
July 14, Bloomberg Businessweek
Preserving America's waters, lands and wildlife in difficult times
July 12, The Nature Conservancy
House votes to curtail EPA's water oversight
July 14, The Denver Post
Red Fields to Green Fields Proposed for 11 Cities
July 12, Environmental News Service
House Votes to Take EPA Off Clean Water Beat
July 13,
Md. teachers gear up for new 'environmental literacy' standard
July 13, The Washington Post
'Jury Is Out' on Implementation of Landmark Great Lakes Compact
July 14, The NY Times
Playing Politics With Florida Water Pollution?
July 15, Public News Service
Abilene water usage has risen since restrictions have gone into effect
July 14, Reporter News
New Herbicide Suspected in Tree Deaths
July 14, The NY Times
Pharmacies now offering safe disposal for medication
July 14, Greeley Tribune
Exxon Mobil Pipeline May Have Carried Oil Sands Crude
July 15, Huffington Post
CertainTeed Offers Water Conservation Tips for Smart Irrigation Month
July 15, PRWeb
Fairfax County forum: How suburbia's love affair with green lawns can thrive without hurting bay
July 15, The Washington Post
House Appropriators Propose Big Cuts to Earth Sciences
July Issue, Science Magazine
Texas first state to enact hydrofracking rules
July 15, Reuters
Ohio governor vetoes bill on Great Lakes water use
July 15, The Wall Street Journal
Reliable water supply essential for Texas growth
July 15, Chron
House Republicans Accuse EPA, Enviros of Collusion
July 15, The NY Times
Panel Backs Pennsylvania Drilling Fee
July 15, The Wall Street Journal
900 gallons of oil spill into Missouri River in ND; state officials say no significant damage
July 15, The Washington Post
KIAH COLLIER: Council's drive to save water hits golf course
July 16, Go San Angelo
Oil spill cleanup turns up trove of Indian relics
July 16, SF Gate
Carbon-Trading Pioneer Dips Toe Into Water Markets
July 18, The Wall Street Journal
Artificial reef projects raise environmental questions
July 17, The Washington Post
Quest for renewable power turns back to water
July 18, The Associated Press
Extreme Heat Could Lead To Water Restrictions For City Of Tulsa
July 18, NewsOn6
Low water pressure closes state government buildings in Oklahoma City
July 18, NewsOK
Business vs. Environment: Ohio Governor Vetoes Lake Erie Water Withdrawal Bill
July 18, Circle of Blue
Johnson & Johnson Launches "Healthy Future 2015," Its Citizenship and Sustainability Goals
July 14, Johnson & Johnson
Climate Change Disrupts Great Lakes National Parks
July 18, Environental News Service
Triclosan: Is Bath & Body Works' new soap harmful to teens?
July 18, The NY Times
Feds in dark about some drinking water problems
July 19, The Associated Press
A liquid quest for renewable power
July 19, The Durango Herald
DuPont Is Sued Over New Herbicide
July 19, The NY Times
Seeing Trends, Coalition Works to Help a River Adapt
July 20, The NY Times
Reduce Pollution to Our Waterways: The Chesapeake Bay
July 20, National Geographic
NY power plant water rule threatens Indian Point reactors
July 20, Reuters
EPA focuses on water in 'fracking'
July 21, Buffalo News
Landsat Satellites Track Continued Missouri River Flooding
July 20, Science Daily
Brownback seeks aquifer conservation reform
July 21, CJ Online
EPA keeps surface mining water quality guidelines
July 22, Bloomberg Businessweek
Midwest turns dry as drought worsens in Plains
July 21, Reuters
Millions of Great Lakes fish killed in power plant intakes
July 21, The LA Times
Contentious Amendments Pile Up for Today's Offshore Drilling Safety Markup in Senate
July 21, The NY Times
After Blaze, Sewage Floods City Rivers
July 21, The NY Times
Vandalism threatens water supply in Will County town
July 22, HeraldNews
Adversity Creates a Boom for 'Reclaimed Water'
July 23, The NY Times
Water sources pushed to the limit
July 23, My West Texas
Dry reservoir leaves Robert Lee with few options, unsure future
July 24, My West Texas
EPA triggers fierce backlash over attempt to force Florida to clean up waterways
July 24, Orlando Sentinel
On the Hudson, With the Water-Quality Mavens
July 25, The NY Times
Slimy algae spreads in Kansas ponds and lakes
July 26, The Kansas City Star
Hot weather is tough on Kansas City's water lines
July 24, The Kansas City Star
Judge orders EPA to revisit Anacostia River clean-up plan
July 25, The Washington Post
New Software Protects Water Utilities from Terrorist Attacks and Contaminants
July 25, Science Daily
New NSF center tackles urban water infrastructure
July 25, UC Berkeley
Demand Pushing Water Pipes To Breaking Point
July 25, 6News
Conservation Groups: Clean Water, Great Lakes Protections Under Attack
July 26, Public News Service
Corps Ready To Reveal Long-Term Water Plans
July 26, Yankton Daily
Winds help prevent dead zones in bay
July 25, Daily Press
Department Of Energy Tackles Fracking
July 26, The Huffington Post
Warming climate expected to harm water supplies
July 26, SF Gate
EPA seeks greater pollution control over small waterways
July 27, The Denver Post
Researchers find plastic in more than 9% of fish in northern Pacific Ocean
July 21, The LA Times
Surface Layer Effectively Kills Malaria Mosquitoes in Rice Paddies
July 1, Science Daily
Biofuels land grab in Kenya's Tana Delta fuels talk of war
July 2, The Guardian
Radioactive Cesium Is Found in Tokyo Tap Water for First Time Since April
July 3, ENENews
'Super sewer' plans must be rethought, say council leaders
July 4, The Guardian
Melting ice caps open up Arctic for 'white gold rush'
July 4, The Guardian
Kenya project: making safer water to sell carbon credits
July 2, The Independent
Britain's rivers 'being ruined by demands of water companies'
July 3, The Independent
Britain's richest man to build giant Arctic iron ore mine
July 4, The Guardian
Africa Drought Endangers Millions
July 5, The NY Times
Extremely Rapid Water: Scientists Decipher a Protein-Bound Water Chain
July 6, Science Daily
The paradoxes of water: efficiency
July 6, China Dialogue
Pacific Ocean trash patch mystery: How many fish eat plastic?
July 6, The CS Monitor
Japan Soil Found Radioactive Outside Evacuation Zone
July 5, Discovery News
Millions of African Climate Refugees Desperate for Food, Water
July 6, Environmental News Service
Fewer Rain Storms Across Southern Australia With Global Warming
July 6, Science Daily
PepsiCo's Health Push
July 7, The Wall Street Journal
Poor Countries Seen Likely to Be 'Hammered' by Food Costs, Water Shortages
July 8, Bloomberg
10% of Land Sales Must Be Used for Water Conservation
July 8,
NASA puts the pee in potable water
July 8, CNet
INTERVIEW: Suez Environnement Chief Sees Euro Drought As "Awakening"
July 8, CNet
Viruses Bathe in Rivers and at the Beach, Too, European Study Finds
July 8, Science Daily
Africa drought endangers 500,000 children: U.N.
July 8, Reuters
Polar Shifts on Rising Seas
July 7, Discovery News
Australia to tax nation's worst polluters
July 10, USA Today
India unprepared for urban boom
July 11, The Washington Post
Pollution threatens HCM City water supply
July 11, Vietnam Net
Conservation a key element of nation's water sustainability
July 11, The Straits Times
UN: Somalia drought is worst humanitarian crisis
July 10, Fox News
Lie of the Land Beneath Glaciers Influences Impact On Sea Levels
July 12, Science Daily
Changing How Businesses Think About Water
July 11, Fast Company
The Global Business Issue of Water Conservation at the Source
July 12, Environmental Leader
How water could imperil the growth of megacities
July 13, Smart Planet
Dramatic Climate Swings Likely as World Warms: Ancient El Niño Clue to Future Floods
July 14, Science Daily
Link Found Between Increased Crops and Deforestation in Amazon, but Issue Not So Cut and Dry
July 14, Science Daily
Vast wind energy proposal could kill endangered birds
July 14, Reuters
China seeks to stem Bohai Sea oil spills
July 14, The LA Times
BP Announces Tighter Standards for Deepwater Drilling
July 15, The NY Times
Keystone XL is a pipeline to disaster
July 15, The Hill
Amazon facing new threat: Agent Orange
July 14, The Guardian
Debate Continues Over European Union's 2020 Emissions Goal
July 19, Environmental News Network
Herders Say Weather Will Worsen
July 18, The NY Times
Record Long Algal Bloom in Disko Bay, Greenland
Science Daily
Reinventing the Toilet for Safe and Affordable Sanitation
July 19, Science Daily
Chemical Make-Up of Gulf of Mexico Plume Determined
July 20, Science Daily
300,000 water contamination questionnaires sent to former base residents
July 20, Star News Online
'Magic' toilet research funded by Bill Gates foundation
July 20, CBC News
Can bluefin tuna farms work?
July 21, The LA Times
Outreach efforts help save lives in heat wave
July 20, USA Today
Nanotechnology for Water Filter
July 21, Science Daily
Canada Readies New Plan for Monitoring Oil Sands
July 22, The Wall Street Journal
Alpine glacier retreat pushing Europe closer to water crisis
July 22, The Guardian
Greenpeace campaigns against global brands for water pollution
July 24, English News
Many thanks to Loretta Lohman at for compiling many of the news articles in this report.
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