Coal Creek - Crested Butte Restoration
Project Data for 2011

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Project Information Goals BMP's Monitoring Results Photos/PDFs


Project Information

County: Gunnison County
City: Crested Butte
Watershed: East-Taylor
HUC 12: Coal Creek
HUC 10: East River

Project Description
The Project aims to work to address the four primary sources of contamination to Coal Creek, near Crested Butte, Colorado including: inactive mines, the Mt. Emmons Iron Fen (MEIF), Kebler Pass Road, and degraded riparian areas.
The Project received approval for an EPA Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grant in 2010 from CDPHE. Data collected under the guidance of the Project SAAP is intended to help evaluate the chemical, biological and/or physical changes to the Coal Creek in response to the BMP’s and restoration activities undertaken with 319-funding as well as to assist in pollution reduction reporting.

Project Partners/Links


Goals and Descriptions

Goal Goal Description Goal Met?
Habitat Improvement Completing wetlands and stream bank restoration work n/a
Metals Reduction Reducing contaminated metals loading into Coal Creek by completing environmental restoration to the MEIF n/a
Sediment and Chloride Reduction Minimizing sediment and chloride contributions to the creek by implementing Best Management Practices (BMP's) along Kebler Pass Road n/a

Objectives and Descriptions

Objective Description Objective Met?
1. Reduce metals loading to coal creek by addressing mining and other anthropogenic sources. n/a
2. Implement and maintain BMP's along six miles of roadway to reduce erosion and sedimentation caused by Kebler Pass Road and road cut and fill slopes. n/a
3. Improve riparian habitat condition and function along 3,200 feet of Coal Creek's riparian area and in 27,000 square feet of wetlands impacted by man-made alterations to hydrology and habitat. n/a
4. The CCWC will use a variety of assessment methods to document the effectiveness of restoration efforts. n/a
5. Communicate the organization's activities carried out with this project with stakeholders and the public to administer the project effectively. n/a


Best Management Practices

Type Method Description
Sedimentation Control Check dams Check dams along Kebler Pass Road



Parameter Protocol Types Purpose Purpose Description Change Description Frequency
Calculated removal or reduction MRP Chemical: Sediments Performance Evaluation Determine if the stream project design and management measures are functioning  properly   As needed
Macroinvertebrate Monitoring CDPHE Biological: Macroinvertebrates Ecological/Biological Assessment Determine if biological resources are responding to altered conditions Baseline Annually
Metals (Filtered and Non filtered)   Chemical: Water Quality        



Project Phase Improvement Type Impairment Before After Reduction
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

*This project has no Impairment Reduction Details yet

Photos and PDFs

For photos from the project and relevant PDFs, click here.