Thank you from Colorado Watershed Assembly, the Colorado Foundation for Water Education and the Colorado Riparian Association 
to those who attended the
7th Annual Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference!
to those who attended the
7th Annual Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference!
This year's agenda can be viewed here. A description of some of our pre-conference and field workshops can be found here. Presentations can be found below.
Don't forget to mark your calendars for next year's conference, October 8-10, 2013 at the Westin Riverfront Resort!
*Note: Downloading these presentations may work best on Firefox and Internet Explorer Browsers.
Tuesday, October 9:
- Water Words that Work: Part 1 and Part 2, Eric Eckl
- Colorado's Water Education "Infrastucture" Workshop, Nicole Seltzer and Kristin Maharg
- Incorporating Uncertainty and Risk in Stream Restoration Design: Introduction to Uncertainty and Risk and Sources of Uncertainty Dr. Sue Niezgoda
- Plenary Speaker, Reeves Brown
- 2012 Reissuance of Section 404 Nationwide Permits: Overview and Application, J. Scott Franklin
- Are We Certifiable? Defining the Body of Knowledge for Practicing Stream Restoration and National Certification: DFMEA Slides and Eagle River Case Study, Sue Niezgoda
- Assessing Ecosystem Benefits of Irrigation-System Efficiency: Lessons for Colorado from Montana, Dr. Gilbert Barth
- What the Federal Farm Bill Can Do to Improve the Colorado River, Martha Noble
- How the Farm Bill could be applied to Colorado-based Watershed and Riparian projects, Dane Jackson
- Using the Farm Bill to Support a Local Project, Heather Dutton
Combat Communication, Eric Eckl
Wednesday, October 10:
- Environmental Literacy in Colorado: What's Next?, Tabbi Kinion
- Using Social Media for Social Good, Megan Maiolo- Heath
- Taking Your Presentation from Good to Great, Jo Scarbeary
- Instream Flow Leasing in 2012, Zach Smith
- Federal/State Collaboration in Colorado's In-Stream Flow Program, Linda Bassi
- Upper Colorado River Cooperative Agreement, Chris Tresse
- Reconnecting Streams and Floodplains: Approaches and Responses, Dr. Brian Bledsoe
- Quantifying Ecologic Benefits of Floodplain Reconnection on Flood Risk and Environmental Health along the Lower San Joaquin River, Katie Jagt
- Revisiting Award Winning Stream Reclamation Project, Cherry Creek at 17-Mile House Park, Lanae Raymond, Jim Wulliman and Glenn Hamilton
- Colorado & Gunnison Basin Roundtable Education Projects: Progress & Lessons Learned, Hannah Holm
- WaterSHED and New Perspectives on Watershed Education: Lessons Learned from Water 2012, Marcee Camenson
- Engagin the Arkansas Basin in Water Education and Stewardship, Perry Cabot
- Canal Importation Ponds and Outfall Project- Incoporation Eco Concepts in Large Scale Stormwater Facilities, Brad Anderson
- Setting Realistic Expectation for Stormwater BMP Performance: New Findings for Nutrients and Bacteria from the International Stormwater BMP Database, Jane Clary
- Outreach to Improve Stormwater Quality: Educational Outreach to Local Businesses, Michelle Finchum
- Science-Based Vegetative Designs Using Engineering Specifications, Randy Mandel
- Utilizing the Correct Riparian Woody Plant Materials for Restoration in Colorado, Randy Mandel
- Stream Stabilization: the "Best(est)" Management Practice?, Ken MacKenzie and Laura Kroeger
- A New Water Education Center Springs to Life, Tom Cech and Erika Church
- Rushing Rivers, Drew Beckwith
- Challenge of Public Outreach on a Complex Ecological Response Model: Turning Details into Soundbites, Jennifer Shanahan
- When Waters Get Murky, Esther Vincent
- Grand County Stream Management Plan, Peggy Bailey
- What's Going Down in the Lower Gunnison? Selenium, Salinity, and Even Some Diversion Dams, Dave "DK" Kanzer
- Channel Stabilization in an Urban Setting: Using the Cherry Creek Parker Jordan Centennial Open Space as a Case Study, Ashley Byerley and Josh Duncan
- The CCC Diversion Improvement Project: Factors for Success, Corey Engen
- South Platte River Segment 15 Habitat Improvements, Brian Murphy
- Colorado Oil & Gas Association (COGA) Baseine Groundwater Monitoring Program, Dan Pastor
- Monitoring for Fracking Fluid, Edmee Knight and Jill Brzezicki
- Creatively addressing the impacts of oil and gas development in your watershed, Zane Kessler
- Coal Basin and the Crystal River Confluence Area Project, Sharon Clarke
- Willow Creek Watershed: A Basin for Collaborative Solutions, Guinevere Nelson
- Development and Implementation of the Gore Creek Water Quality Improvement Plan, Caroline Byus
Thursday, October 11:
- River Cooridor Field Workshop, Eagle River Watershed Council
- Non-Point Source Workshop, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
This annual conference works to expand cooperation and collaboration throughout Colorado in natural resource conservation, protection and enhancement by informing participants about new issues and innovative projects and through invaluable networking! Join us next year to experience this great opportunity!
Thank you to our generous sponsors!