Thank you from Colorado Watershed Assembly, the Colorado Foundation for Water Education and the Colorado Riparian Association 
to those who attended the
6th Annual Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference!
to those who attended the
6th Annual Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference!
This year's agenda can be viewed here. A description of some of our pre-conference and field workshops can be found here. Presentations can be found below.
Don't forget to mark your calendars for next year's conference, October 9-11, 2012 at the Westin Riverfront Resort!
*Note: Downloading these presentations may work best on Firefox and Internet Explorer Browsers.
Tuesday, October 4:
- Fountain Creek Restoration in Manitou Springs: Lessons in an Urban Fishery, Eric Billmeyer and Pete Gallagher
- Ten Years of River Restoration on the Upper Rio Grande: Successes and Lessons Learned, Heather Messick
- Implementaton of Stream Restorations on Tribal Lands through the CWA 319, Pete Nylander and Laura Backus
- Water/Energy Nexus Panel: - Stacy Tellinguisen, Western Resource Advocates
- Lessons from Watershed Groups, Established and New
- Establishment & Stakeholder Involvement, Clark Anderson
- Bob Peters, Denver Water
- Kevin Reidy, Colorado Water Conservation Board
Wednesday, October 5:
- Effects of Bank Vegetation on Stream Processes: Field Data, CFD Modeling and Restoration Design, Dr. Brian Bledsoe
- The Colorado Watershed Approach to Compensatory Mitigation Planning - the FACWet Method, Dr. Brad Johnson
- Deep Planting of Longstem Native Shrubs: An Effective and Inexpensive Planting Method for Disturbed Southwestern Riparian Ecosystems, Greg Fenchel
- Colorado Conservation Districts: More than Just Soil Work, Joyce Wallace
- Ode to Riparian Floodplains: Protect and Be Protected!, David Mallory & Julie Ash
- Creating a Vision for the Lower Poudre River: Back to Native or Forward to a Modern Alternative?, Jennifer Shanahan
- Buffers Before Boulders: Results of 7 Years of Monitoring, Mark Beardsley
- Planning for the Future Needs of a Domestic Water Provider, Larry Clever
- Water and Land Use: Designing Communities for Healthy Watersheds, Clark Anderson
- Forest to Faucet Program, Mike McHugh
- Watershed Groups A-Z:
- Carol Ekarius, Coalition for the Upper Southy Platte (CUSP)
- Melissa Macdonald, Eagle River Watershed Council (ERWC)
- Sharon Clarke, Roaring Fork Conservancy & Mark Fuller, Ruedi Water and Power Authority - Community Outreach Using Junior Watershed Managers, Russel Clayschulte & Kimberly Reaves
- Low Flows, Hot Trout, Jill Alban
- Using Digital Video and Social Media to "Get Your Message Out There", Tom Schillaci
- Creative Funding for Restoration Efforts and Sustainable Funding for Riparian Restoration - Stacy Kolegas
- Collaborative Watershed Partnership Assessment: Lessons & Themes from Survey of 20 Ecological Management Partnerships, Amanda Barker
- EIS Process and 37-60-122.2 (Fish and Wildlife Mitigation), Ken Kehmeler & Rebecca Mitchell
- The Purgatoire Watershed Monitoring Program: Understanding the Influence of Coalbed Methane Produced Water to Protect Beneficial Uses, Julie Vlier
- Source Water Protection - Case Studies Protecting Community Drinking Water Supplies Throughout Colorado, Paul Hempel & Colleen Williams
- Nutrient Standard Dialogue:
- Amy Woodis, Metro Denver Wastewater Reclamation District
- Dick Parachini, CDPHE, WQCD - Eliminating Emerging Contaminants Upstream: Education and Prevention, Carol Lyons
- State-wide Non-Consumptive Needs Assessment Update, John Sanderson & Jacob Bornstein
- Protecting Water Instream: Colorado's Instream Flow Program, Linda Bassi
- The Cost of Not Sharing Data, Barb Horn & Lynn Padget
- America's Best Idea: A Focus on the Colorado River Basin, Meghan Maloney-Trubee
- With All the Changes, Will the River go Dry: Using Computer Models to Predict River Valley Impacts, Dr. Gilbert Barth
This annual conference works to expand cooperation and collaboration throughout Colorado in natural resource conservation, protection and enhancement by informing participants about new issues and innovative projects and through invaluable networking! Join us next year to experience this great opportunity!
Thank you to our generous sponsors!